COVID-19 Support, Lubombo TFCA, Maputo Special Reserve, Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve

Maputo Special Reserve launches community health campaign to combat covid-19

This month, 30 boxes of long lasting bars of strong soap for hand washing were delivered to 1000 people at the Administrative Post of Machangulo in the Matutuine District, Maputo Province.

Approximately 250 families residing in the buffer zone of the Maputo Special Reserve and Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve in southern Mozambique, received hygiene material as part of a campaign to reinforce measures to prevent COVID-19.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales and contaminates surfaces such as doorknobs, home appliances or office equipment. Once a person gets the virus on the hands, it can get sick by touching the face, mouth, or nose.

Hand washing with soap can save millions of lives, particularly in a scenario where globally 3.5 million children die from infectious diseases every year and over 165 000 people died from COVID 19 since the outbreak of the worldwide pandemic.

The hand washing campaign includes various health and hygiene awareness activities. Thirteen activists who already engage with the communities on health matters through the reserves’  Health and Environment Program received 300 illustrated posters and additional training in measures to be taken to prevent COVID-19 infection for later replication at the local level.

The communities have been taught how to build Tippy Taps, a  water storage device that minimises the transmission of germs, bacteria and viruses. This involves suspending a water tank tied to a foot-pully mechanism to allow for dispensing of water for washing without contaminating your hands. It can be built with local materials at low cost.

Communities have been taught how to build Tippy Taps, a water storage device that minimise the transmission of germs, bacteria and viruses

The soap and awareness materials were distributed by the National Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC), with logistical and financial support of Peace Parks Foundation.

Peace Parks has been supporting the development of Maputo Special Reserve and Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve – vital components of the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area – for almost two decades. In 2018, the Foundation signed a partnership agreement with ANAC to jointly develop the two reserves according to a strategic business plan, with Peace Parks providing technical and financial support for conservation and tourism development activities.

In addition, 15 000 1kg bars of soap and awareness posters have been delivered to Maputo and are in the process of being distributed to more communities around these reserves, as well as to the other protected areas – Limpopo, Zinave, and Banhine national parks – where we are actively involved.

15 000 1kg bars of soap along with Covid-19 awareness posters. have been delivered to Maputo and are in the process being distributed to communities living in and around the protective areas in Mozambique where we are actively involved.

How you can help

Whether you support one household, or many,  every contribution assists us in reaching the more than 75 000 households that we need to provide with essential equipment and information, in an effort to curb COVID-19 infections in vulnerable communities in southern Africa.
Your R150 / $9 could help one family stay safe during these times. Donate now!


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