SA College for Tourism

Tracker Manual Released

It is with great excitement that we announce our newly published Tracker Manual. The book is a complete wildlife tracking field guide authored by Tracker Academy’s founding trainers, Alex van den Heever, Karel Benadie and Renias Mhlongo. What began as the student textbook is now available to the public. The Tracker Manual contains decades of cumulative knowledge gained from expert trackers who have engaged in practical tracking all their lives.

All royalties earned from the book sales flow directly to Tracker Academy.

This practical guide to animal tracking is a one-of-its-kind manual, based on information developed with the help of southern Africa’s few remaining traditional trackers and their centuries-old wisdom in the field.It presents the more concrete and obvious wildlife signs for some 160 animals and teams them with a host of seemingly unrelated details to give a comprehensive picture of recent – and not so recent traffic through the bush.

Simple, bulleted text guides readers through the key points and teaches the broad–based observational skills required to detect and interpret messages; multiple photographs, some annotated, along with accurate track drawings for all the animals, offer a clear visual guide too.

Rich in detail, accurate, and with an instructive introduction, this guide to the region’s animal tracks and signs is every tracker’s go-to manual.

Special thanks to Helen De Villiers and Penguin Random House (Struik Nature) for your skilled editing, patience and support in creating this humble yet compelling field guide.

The Tracker Manual was launched in Johannesburg on 20 April and will be launched in Somerset West on 25 May 2017.

Story by Alex van den Heever
SA College for Tourism Tracker Academy Manager
Visit the Tracker Academy website for more



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