General, PPF Sweden

Additional SEK 700 000 funding from Swedish Postcode Lottery

From left to right: Rickard Sjöberg (SPL TV presenter), Hélène Carlbark (Head of Charity: Novamedia Sverige AB) and Anders Årbrandt (Managing Director: Novamedia Sverige AB).

The Swedish Postcode Lottery continues to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to southern Africa’s people and the region’s conservation efforts – having staunchly supported the work of Peace Parks Foundation for a decade.

In February this year, the Swedish Postcode Lottery announced a grand total of SEK 1 022 669 475 that was awarded to its 57 beneficiaries to support initiatives and organisations that tirelessly work to create a better world for people, animals and the environment. This month, the Lottery added an incredible SEK 70 million to their support, providing their beneficiaries with an additional 10% on top of their initial grants to bolster their critical work during the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The non-profit organisations’ efforts are more important than ever, says the Postcode Lottery’s CEO Eva Struving. Thanks to our lottery buyers, we can further contribute to the organisations’ activities in this difficult situation.”

Peace Parks would like to thank the Swedish Postcode Lottery, Novamedia Sverige AB and the many ticket buyers for this generous contribution of SEK 700 000 which will assist the organisation to continue unabated with its conservation and community development work intransfrontier conservation areas across southern Africa.

Since 2010, Peace Parks Foundation has received just over SEK 115 330 000 from the Lottery and of this SEK 33 979 900 was donated towards Special Projects. The various Special Projects over the years have seen improved livelihoods in Simalaha Community Conservancy, the implementation of the successful Rhino Protection Programme, promotion of conservation outcomes while supporting communities with the Herding for Health project and the goal of educating 100 000 children through the Peace & Changemaker Generation project in partnership with the World Children’s Prize.


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