The Bindzu and Tchia Association’s agricultural project has just been launched. Situated in the Mozambican component of the Lubombo TFCA, the project will provide an income to 40 farmers and food security to 150 peopl
Greenhouses have been erected for community members to produce vegetables, using drip irrigation. Fertiliser, pesticides and seed have been procured and community members trained on staggering vegetable production throughout the year, as well as improving their production management and negotiation skills. The community will be assisted with linkages to the market, and with networking with agricultural service providers and suppliers.

The Community Development Facility (CDF), comprising $4.8 million donated by the COmON Foundation, was launched as a joint initiative between the government of Mozambique, COmON Foundation and Peace Parks Foundation in 2013, when a number of projects got under way. The CDF is intended to serve as a long-term financing mechanism to unlock community enterprise and socio-economic development opportunities.
Mr Wijnand Pon, founder and chairman of COmON Foundation, and Mrs Harryet Pon attended the launch and were delighted to see the progress already made in the various community development projects. These include supplying fresh drinking water to 10 362 people and their cattle, and providing full-time employment to 40 community farmers who produce chillies and other cash crops, as well as crops for own consumption within the communities. Mr and Mrs Pon were accompanied by Dr Bartolomeu Soto, Director-General of the National Administration for Conservation Areas and by Mr Werner Myburgh, Peace Parks Foundation CEO, who warmly thanked Mr and Mrs Pon for the positive impact the COmON Foundation support is having on the communities’ livelihoods.