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Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Lower Zambezi - Mana Pools TFCA, Partnerships, TFCAs, Tourism

Zimbabwe-Zambia Seal Landmark Conservation Pact

A new transfrontier conservation area agreement has cemented the bond between nations, communities and wildlife across the Lower Zambezi and Mana Pools

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, General, Mozambique, Partnerships, Rewilding, TFCAs, Wetlands, Zinave National Park

Building back biodiversity, across borders

Rewilding is key to building back global biodiversity and mitigating climate change. Peace Parks is helping solve these challenges at scale.

Biodiversity, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Malawi Zambia TFCA, Nyika National Park, Partnerships, TFCAs, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve, Water security

Life-changing water scheme uplifts Malawi’s rural communities

Thazima Gravity-fed Potable Water Scheme launch marks the onset of great benefits for the communities living alongside Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Conservation, General, Partnerships, TFCAs, Water security

Earth Day 2023: How to invest in our Planet, Peace Parks style

Celebrate this Earth Day with a stunning view of Maputo National Park, where the land meets the ocean

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