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Climate Change

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Lower Zambezi - Mana Pools TFCA, Partnerships, TFCAs, Water security

Zimbabwe and Peace Parks Foundation Sign Historic 20-Year Agreement to Co-Manage the Iconic Greater Mana Pools Ecosystem

The Government of Zimbabwe and Peace Parks Foundation signed a Co-Management Agreement for the Greater Mana Pools Ecosystem – home to World Heritage and Ramsar sites and a main draw of tourism income for the country. The long-term partnership agreement underscores a shared dedication to effective stewardship of this iconic landscape, grounded in a robust […]

Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Lubombo TFCA, Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique, Mozambique Community Development, Partnerships, Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve

Farmer Field Schools Grow Productive, Peaceful Livelihoods

The communities of the Maputo Environmental Protection Area in southern Mozambique are benefiting from a new focus on sustainable livelihoods and marine protection, thanks to the recently rolled-out Blue Action Fund Kuvikela programme....

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Great Limpopo TFCA, Herding 4 Health, Limpopo National Park, Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique, Partnerships, PPF Sweden

Herding For Health, Food For Life

Zvi Tangawamira has her feet firmly on African soil, with her eyes set on the horizon. It’s an exciting time for Peace Parks’ recently appointed Senior Programme Manager for Herding For Health (H4H),an...

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Conservation, General, Malawi Zambia TFCA, Mozambique, Rewilding, TFCAs, Uncategorised

Werner Myburgh: 25 Years of Passion, Purpose and Conservation

To wake up every day and to love what you do, whilst making a difference and having a positive impact on conservation in Africa, just about sums up the 25 years I have...

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Great Limpopo TFCA, Mozambique, Partnerships, Rewilding, TFCAs, Tourism, Zinave National Park

Mozambique Government, Peace Parks Foundation and Partners Secure Massive Success for Rhino Survival

Third group of rhino from South Africa to Mozambique establishes viable population in Zinave National Park. [Zinave National Park, 10 September 2023]: In an extraordinary achievement for transboundary conservation and community livelihoods, an...

Banhine National Park, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Great Limpopo TFCA, Herding 4 Health, Limpopo National Park, Mozambique, Partnerships, TFCAs, Veterinary Health

CI and Peace Parks Commit to Restoring 20 Million Hectares of Nature in Africa

Landmark Investment Announced at Africa Climate Week to Drive Sustainable Grazing and Climate Resilience Across the Continent NAIROBI, Kenya (Sept. 5, 2023) – Conservational International (CI) and Peace Parks Foundation (Peace Parks), in...

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Lubombo TFCA, Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique, Mozambique Community Development, Partnerships, TFCAs, Tourism

Blue Action for Planet Ocean: Turning the Tide for Climate Change

Maputo National Park's Blue Action Fund target area.

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