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Community, Community Development, Conservation, Nyika National Park, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve

When nature has tangible benefits for people, they will protect it

Blog by Werner Myburgh, Peace Parks Foundation CEO Conservation areas have a lot to offer to the people living in remote landscapes. They have the potential to offer healthy food, clean water, fresh air and jobs in nature-based tourism. Yet these fruits of joint conservation efforts are not always immediately realised. With this in mind, […]

Community, Community Development, Conservation Agriculture, Great Limpopo TFCA, Limpopo National Park

The transformative impact of Herding for Health

In many communities across southern Africa, traditional roles limit women’s participation, especially in agriculture and livestock management. However, through the Herding for Health programme, a partnership between Conservation International and Peace Parks Foundation,...

Community, Kavango Zambezi TFCA, Simalaha Community Conservancy

Breaking rangeland barriers: The women herders and leaders who are inspiring a new generation in Zambia

Mwandi, Western Province, Zambia—In many communities in southern Africa, looking after the family’s prized cattle is the preserve of men, while women tend to be responsible for growing crops and raising children.   Thanks...

Community, Community Development

How Peace Parks’ new era of developing communities in southern Africa is shifting the global conservation trend

Zinhane, Mozambique – Ana Marta Francisco Chaúque viewed with pride the clearing where she stood. Two hectares of land had been planted with crops, and an additional five hectares were earmarked for this...

Banhine National Park, Biodiversity, Community, Conservation, Field Rangers, Great Limpopo TFCA, K9 Unit, Limpopo National Park, Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique, Nyika National Park, Partnerships, Southern African Wildlife College, Transboundary Landscapes, Wildlife Crime, Zinave National Park

Peace Parks Foundation’s support to rangers, for people and nature

Peace Parks Foundation thanks the rangers protecting communities and nature, using their skills to conserve biodiversity and build a peaceful relationship between humans and wildlife.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Kavango Zambezi TFCA, Partnerships, Simalaha Community Conservancy, Sioma Ngwezi National Park

Kavango Zambezi and beyond: how you can help protect bird life in flight

The mighty Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) is the largest transboundary landscape in the world, and Peace Parks Foundation has been working with member states to support its development since 2004....

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Conservation Agriculture, Great Limpopo TFCA, Herding 4 Health, Limpopo National Park, Mozambique, Partnerships, TFCAs, Uncategorised

Herding for Health connects community farmers with markets

Farmers participating in the Herding for Health programme in Massingir in the Gaza province bordering the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique, no longer lose cattle to predation. Cattle are heathier, fatter and now...

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