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Geographical Information Systems

Geographical Information Systems

SMART Partnership announces release of SMART Mobile

The best solution for capturing conservation data

Geographical Information Systems

Training off the beaten track

Denton Joachim, a Peace Parks Foundation GIS Technician, is regularly sent out to train field staff in several southern African transfrontier conservation areas. His work takes him well off the beaten track, often...

Geographical Information Systems, Kavango Zambezi TFCA, Southern African Wildlife College

Smart Training For Clever Conservation Management

Earlier this year PPF GIS technician, Denton Joachim, travelled to the Luengue-Luiana National Park which lies within the Angolan component of the of Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area to provide SMART training to...

Geographical Information Systems, Southern African Wildlife College

GIS Benefitting Conservation

The Peace Parks Foundation Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team recently spent time at the Southern African Wildlife College to train the Higher Education and Training protected area management students, who are already employed...

Geographical Information Systems, Southern African Wildlife College, Wildlife Crime

The Smart Way To Combat Wildlife Crime

Globally, the illegal wildlife trade is valued at around $19 billion annually. Species are being slaughtered at a rate that will see many become extinct in our lifetime. Africa’s elephant population has declined...

Geographical Information Systems, SA College for Tourism

Using GIS For Conservation

The Peace Parks Foundation GIS team recently visited the Southern African Wildlife College to train the Higher Education and Training protected area management students. The objective of the training is to expose students...

Geographical Information Systems, Southern African Wildlife College

GIS & Land-Use Planning Training

The Peace Parks Foundation GIS team recently visited the Southern African Wildlife College to train the Higher Education and Training protected area management students. The objective of the training is to expose students...

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