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Biodiversity, Community, Community Development, Conservation, Malawi Zambia TFCA, Nyika National Park, Partnerships, TFCAs, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve, Water security

Life-changing water scheme uplifts Malawi’s rural communities

Thazima Gravity-fed Potable Water Scheme launch marks the onset of great benefits for the communities living alongside Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community, Conservation, General, Partnerships, TFCAs, Water security

Earth Day 2023: How to invest in our Planet, Peace Parks style

Celebrate this Earth Day with a stunning view of Maputo National Park, where the land meets the ocean

Community Development, Great Limpopo TFCA, Herding 4 Health, Limpopo National Park, Mozambique, Partnerships, TFCAs, Water security

Limpopo National Park communities feel a vital livelihood lift thanks to a €1.5m grant through the SADC Financing Facility

Limpopo Livelihoods Improvement Project brings multiple life-changing benefits to local communities

K9 Unit, Mozambique, Partnerships, Technology and Innovation, Wildlife Crime

Canine hero Sasa claims bold cross-border win against wildlife crime in Mozambique

Sasa and team with the goods seized during the spot bust at Maputo Airport, resulting in an arrest and prison sentence for the Vietnamese national.

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