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Malawi Zambia TFCA, TFCAs, Uncategorised, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve, Wetlands

Wondrous wetlands: why should we care?

Our world depends upon wetlands: these unique ecosystems hold both vital resources and crucial solutions for people everywhere. Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve is a beautiful, vital example..

Community Development, General, Kavango Zambezi TFCA, Malawi Zambia TFCA, Maputo Special Reserve, Rewilding, Simalaha Community Conservancy, Southern African Wildlife College, TFCAs, Zinave National Park

Leading the way with conservation at scale

With the invaluable support of donors, partners and staff, Peace Parks Foundation celebrates connectivity throughout our many shining highlights of 2022, and the certainty that we are following our unique and vital course:...

Southern African Wildlife College, TFCAs, Uncategorised, Wildlife Crime

Unique new ranger training inspires formidable leadership in the field

Seven star ranger leaders from protected areas across southern Africa have taken part in a ground-breaking Leadership and Resilience Training course - and it's been a ranger game-changer for them, their teams and their...

Kruger National Park, Rhino Protection Programme, TFCAs, Uncategorised, Wildlife Crime

Peace Parks Foundation bags another Kudu!

We are immensely proud to be the 2022 recipient of a SANPark’s Kudu Award, in recognition of the strength and dedication of Peace Parks’ work in combating wildlife crime in Kruger National Park....

Maputo Special Reserve, Rewilding, SA College for Tourism, TFCAs, Tourism

Booming wildlife populations a treat for visitors to Maputo National Park 

A second group of 26 eland has been successfully translocated to Maputo National Park as a follow-up operation to a similar translocation in 2019 that saw 20 eland reintroduced back into the park...

Great Limpopo TFCA, Rewilding, TFCAs, Zinave National Park

Black rhinos return to Zinave National Park in Mozambique

Seven critically endangered black rhino have been safely translocated from South Africa to Zinave National Park in Mozambique.

Rewilding, TFCAs, Tourism, Zinave National Park

Photo story: The incredible journey of Zinave’s white rhinos

Ever wondered what it takes to move 19 rhino across international borders on the longest road transfer of rhino ever undertaken? Join us on our journey in this photo story!

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