About the National Postcode Lottery – together we make a difference
The National Postcode Lottery (Nationale Postcode Loterij) in The Netherlands was founded in 1989 to support charities that work towards a just, healthy and green world. The lottery raises funds for its charities and publicizes their work. At the Postcode Lottery, your postcode is your lottery number. This way you win together with your neighbors. 3 million participants now participate in the lottery. Each month, participants have a chance to win hundreds of thousands of prizes and support 148 charitable organizations with at least 40 percent of the lottery prize.
Since the establishment of the Postcode Lottery, more than 7.3 billion euros has been donated to people and nature. Peace Parks Foundation and many other organizations receive support every year. The Postcode Lottery and the VriendenLoterij form the National Charity Lotteries Holding. As a Dutch tradition, these lotteries are included on the Inventory of Intangible Heritage (UNESCO) list. The Postcode Lottery format is also active in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and Norway. The Charity Lotteries together with the lotteries in these countries are the third largest private lender to charities in the world.
The National Postcode Lottery has been a loyal supporter of the work of Peace Parks Foundation since 2002. To date, Peace Parks has received more than € 42.5 million from the Dutch Postcode Lottery. This includes an amount of € 14.4 million that Peace Parks Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund Netherlands received from the Lottery’s Dream Fund in 2014, to assist with efforts to protect rhinoceros populations in Africa.
In 2020, the Lottery also demonstrated remarkable support, by providing a major boost to the ecological and socio-economic development of the world’s largest terrestrial transfrontier conservation area, the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA), in the shape of a €16.9 million donation. The Dream Fund grant was awarded to Peace Parks Foundation, the World Wide Fund for Nature and African Parks.
We remain truly grateful to the players of the National Postcode Lottery for making this continued support possible.