Banhine National Park, Great Limpopo TFCA, Kavango Zambezi TFCA, Kruger National Park, Limpopo National Park, Lubombo TFCA, Maputo Special Reserve, Sioma Ngwezi National Park, Southern African Wildlife College, Wildlife Crime, Zinave National Park

Honouring our bravest on World Ranger Day

This World Ranger Day, Peace Parks Foundation pays tribute to the brave men and women who are guarding Africa’s precious conservation areas. Over the years, we have trained and equipped hundreds of rangers who have gone on to remove thousands of snares, traps and rifles from transfrontier conservation areas in southern Africa. They have apprehended hundreds of perpetrators of wildlife crimes, disrupting the activities of syndicates and countering organised environmental crime – thereby saving the lives of countless animals and natural resources. Rangers, for your service we are truly grateful. We admire your dedication, commitment and passion and wish you safety and success in your missions.

Our support to ranger forces is only made possible through close collaboration with conservation agencies, donors, and partners. We thank you all.

Donate to help us train, employ and
better equip more rangers.


Collaring provides insight into elephant movement


SA College for Tourism students strut their stuff

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