Kavango Zambezi TFCA, PPF Sweden, Simalaha Community Conservancy

Swedish Postcode Lottery funds Simalaha Community Conservancy programme

The Swedish Postcode Lottery today announced that Peace Parks Foundation Sweden is the very fortunate recipient of SEK10 million for a special programme to be implemented in the Simalaha Community Conservancy in Zambia. This follows on an application jointly submitted by Peace Parks Foundation Sweden and the Joaquim Chissano Foundation.

The Simalaha Community Conservancy, spanning the Sisheke and Chundu chiefdoms, will be an important area in the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) TFCA to re-establish wildlife populations and their migration routes and will ultimately link Chobe National Park in Botswana to Kafue National Park in Zambia.

Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta said: “I am elated. This is absolutely wonderful news. Thank you to the Swedish Postcode Lottery for this donation which will make a major difference to the people of Simalaha.”

The programme funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery will focus on a community-based approach to natural resource management that will improve local ownership and access to basic human rights, such as access to food, health, shelter and education by responsibly managing natural resources and wildlife.

The programme constitutes four projects, namely the establishment of two wildlife sanctuaries, training in conservation agriculture, training in controlled grazing, and the introduction of fuel efficient stoves, which will all bring socio-economic benefit flows to the community.
The SEK10 million donation by the Swedish Postcode Lottery is additional to the SEK10 million that Peace Parks Foundation Sweden received in February as annual beneficiary of the Lottery.

Peace Parks Foundation CEO Werner Myburgh said: “We deeply appreciate the funding by the Swedish Postcode Lottery of the Simalaha Community Conservancy programme. This support will go a long way to improve the lives of people in a sustainable way that will allow for mutually beneficial ways for these communities and nature to thrive together”.

Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta said: “I am elated. This is absolutely wonderful news. Thank you to the Swedish Postcode Lottery for this donation which will make a major difference to the people of Simalaha.”


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