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Tag: Banhine National Park

Our Stories

A Hidden Jewel in Mozambique: The story of Banhine National Park where wilderness breathes

Deep in the heart of Mozambique’s Gaza province lies Banhine National Park, a remote and untamed wilderness shaped by the rhythm of seasonal floods and shifting sands. This vast landscape, named after its inland delta, is a sanctuary where water, wildlife, and people are intricately connected. As the rains arrive, the park’s shimmering wetlands stretch […]

Our Stories

Peace Parks Foundation’s support to rangers, for people and nature

Peace Parks Foundation thanks the rangers protecting communities and nature, using their skills to conserve biodiversity and build a peaceful relationship between humans and wildlife.

Our Stories

Sky Count: Wildlife Numbers Shaping Conservation

In October 2023, an aerial census was conducted by the Maputo, Zinave, Banhine and Limpopo national parks to determine their wildlife populations, with support from Peace Parks Foundation and Mozambique’s National Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC). Early estimates indicate a substantial growth in wildlife species across the participating parks, all attributed to successful conservation efforts. […]

Our Stories

Mozambique Hails Golden Jubilee Gems and Conservation Wins in Zinave and Banhine

Along the Savé river, in the north-west of the Province of Inhambane, Zinave National Park makes the transition between the wet tropical lands and the dry lands of Mozambique; it represents an important crossing point for the nomadic animals migrating through the region. Giraffe, an icon of this park, lope through vegetation rich in acacias […]

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